Rockaway Borough Historical Committee
The Rockaway Historical Committee is a community organization that provides a means for contributing and preserving historical, cultural, and educational heritage of the Borough of Rockaway.
Contact Us
The Committee can be contacted by email: rockborohistorical@gmail.com
The Historical Committee normally meets at the Rockaway Borough Community Center at 10 AM on the fourth Saturday of the month. Any changes of the meeting schedule will be noted on the meetings page. Click here for meeting schedule, minutes, agendas, and virtual meeting information.
Memorial Day Parade
Car Show
National Night Out
Town-Wide Yard Sale
Our 2024 annual Town-wide yard sale held on September 28 was very well attended and the Rockaway Borough Historical Committee sends our big thanks to all who supported our event. This year we had over 60 families participating and we distributed 110 maps to those visiting those hosting yard sales.
Dark Lake Spooktacular
Rockaway Borough Historical Committee participated in the 5th Annual Dark Lake Spooktacular event of Saturday, October 26, 2024.
The RBHC partnered with the Rockaway Borough Friends of the Library and hosted a table at the event with attendance in the thousands.
Many fabulous costumes and lots of smiling faces as our members handed out over 50 pounds of treats.
A fantastic time was had by all!

Historic Cemetery Walk
Bob Comer Donates Space Race Material to Museum

february 23, 2025: Today, the Rockaway Borough Historical Committee welcomed Boro resident Bob Comer and his family to the museum. Bob is an engineer who was employed by Reaction Motors in the Boro during the early days of the space race. He personally designed (and patented) hardware that allowed for controlled flight of rocket-powered aircraft and spacecraft. His accomplishments led directly to the United States’ success in space exploration, the lunar landing, and numerous defense projects. Mr. Comer recently donated much of his research material, patent applications, and technical drawings to the museum, much of which is currently on display.
The Rockaway Borough Historical Committee is extremely grateful to Bob not only for his generosity to the museum, but for establishing Rockaway Borough as a home to technology and engineering on the world stage.
A Blogger’s Visit to Our Historical Museum
The Rockaway Borough Historical Museum is one of the museums that are featured on the blog Visiting a Museum. The article chronicles the blogger's visit to our museum and includes photographs of the museum and the Rockaway Historical Cemetery. To read the blog go to visitingamuseum.com

The Borough of Rockaway Historical Committee Museum is open to the public the 4thSunday of the month from 1 to 3 PM. Visits are by appointment only during the months of July and August. Contact Us to schedule a summer appointment. The museum is located at 199 West Main Street, next to Donatoni Park. We encourage you to stop by to explore and experience the rich history of Rockaway Borough.
Museum 2025 Open House Dates
Feb 23
Mar 23
Apr 23
June 29
Sept 28
Nov 23
Dec 28
Commemorative Items
The Rockaway Borough Historical Committe has a wide selection of Rockaway Borough Historical Commemorative items available. These include beautifly crafted holiday ornaments, historical maps and books that capture the rich history of Rockaway, coffee mugs, and much more! Many are limited editions. These items make a wonderful compliment to your home, office, or book collection—and they make great gifts. All items are available for sale at our Museum. Here's a sample of what you can find on our shelves:

2024 Holiday Ornament Now Available!
Hand crafted- limited edition.
Available on Sunday, December 22
1:00-3:00 p.m.
Rockaway Borough Historical Museum
199 Main St.

2024 Holiday Ornament



Coffee Mugs


More stuff!
Veterans Memorial

The Veterans Memorial is dedicatd to those who lived in Rockaway Borough and served in the armed forces. It is located at 82 East Main Street, next to the library.
Memorial Walkway
The Borough of Rockaway Historical Committee is selling engraved memorial bricks which will be placed in the walkway at the Veteran’s Memorial adjacent to the Rockaway Borough Public Library. See the Memorial Walkway page for more information.
Veterans Memorial Tower
The Tower contains the known names of those who left for the Military from Rockaway Borough and served during a time of war, starting with the Spanish American War of 1898 & 1899 through Iraq and Afganistan. If you know of a Rockaway Borough veteran who served during war time and is not named on the Tower, please Contact the Rockaway Borough Historical Committee with the Veteran's name and Branch of Service.
Membership and Volunteer Opportunities
Become a Member or Volunteer
The Rockaway Borough Historical Committee is looking for extra hands to help with various projects, events, and activities. If you are interested in helping your community, please Email the Rockaway Borough Historical Committee. A small time commitment makes a large impact!