Rockaway Borough Historical Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
June 24, 2023
Location: Community Center, Union St.
Call to Order
10:00 AM meeting called to order with flag salute and a moment of silence for departed past members.
Approval of Minutes
M. Auriemma made MOTION to approve minutes from May 27th meeting, T. Slockbower seconded, all in favor.
Committee Reports
Treasurer (M. Auriemma)
- Advised bank balance as of May 30st is $ 9,651.40.
Museum Curator/Facilities and Maintenance (J. Allen)
- J. Allen not in attendance
- Volunteers for June 25th museum hours: J. Jackson and T. Slockbower
- Museum next open on September 24th
Correspondence (M. Auriemma)
- B. Koch sent the following Thank You letters:
- Vivid Landscaping (Dave Nigro) for donation of river rocks for front of museum
- Brooke Ortiz for time and materials for printing of ornament ribbon, car show signs and tablecloths
- Ryan Calabro for design of new logo
- Rob Nickels (Presbyterian Church) for donation of 1910 Rockaway Borough dog license that was found in the cemetery
- Letter received from RBPD regarding confirmation of our participation in National Night Out
- Letter from St. Peter & Paul Church regarding Christmas Bazar on December 2nd D. Conville made MOTION to send in $40 check to reserve a table. T. Slockbower seconded, all in favor
- Letter received from Peter Christiano, Terry Christiano, helped write the blue book. He is in possession of three documents dating back to the 1700’s that pertain to Rockaway Borough that he would like to donate. T. Slockbower made MOTION to accept documents and offer to pay shipping. D. Conville seconded, all in favor.
Tails & Tales Program (B. Nickoley / M. Okerblom)
- D. Schrader advised that B. Schuman, from Presbyterian Church is interested in doing an interview.
- J. Hurley suggested Jack Phillips for an interview
Fundraising Committee
- A. Bernard not in attendance
Museum Refresh
- First meeting set for Thursday, June 29th 6pm; attendees: D. Conville, T. Slockbower, K. Lynch, D. Tanzola and D. Schrader
- J. Hurley invited George Schuster, a retired CNC engineer, from Service Metal Fabricators. G. Schuster suggested the possibility of donating a small test cut from the 9/11 Memorial to the museum (because it was built here).
- J. Hurley discussed the possibility of creating/cutting a Rockaway Carriage for the mailbox
Cars & Coffee Event
- To be held on July 30th, from 8 to noon at Fireman's Field
- Volunteers: D. Conville, C. Conville, T. Slockbower, J. Hurley. Need more volunteers.
- Flyers will be placed all around town and there will be a social media blast
- D. Conville suggested asking, and will reach out to, K. Nickel if he would like to bring the Rockaway Carriage to the event
- A few members of the Fireman’s Association would like to participate
- D. Conville and T. Slockbower to map out parking spaces the night before
- Will have coffee and donuts
- Discussion ensued regarding having a DJ versus streaming music
- Will have a donation box by coffee table with a some kind of display saying something like "proceeds to help in museum beautification"
- Discussion regarding handing out an index card survey for each car – what would you like to see or have next time
New Business/Around Town
- Financial Review: to be completed at B. Koch’s house, 7pm on July 11th. To attend: D. Conville, C. Conville, K. Lynch (if able). Need two more volunteers.
- Museum tour for 2nd graders will be within the 1st 3 weeks of school. J. Hurley to work with Mrs. Medore on a date.
- Cemetery Walk re-scheduled for Saturday, October 21st, 11am-4pm. Rain date is Sunday, October 22nd, 12-5pm. Pastor Ryan advised that volunteers are needed. D. Schrader is working on scripts and will try to develop a map of the cemetery. Need social media blast.
Cars & Coffee
- Fireman’s Field, July 30th 8 to noon
- D. Conville and T. Slockbower to lead event.
Military Honor Roll
- Hold off discussion until T. Hiler in attendance at meeting
Yard Sale
- September 30th, Rain date of October 7th
- Applications will be accepted beginning 8/1
- Maps: B. Nickoley
- Signs: J. Hurley
- House List: B. Koch
National Night Out
- August 1, 2023
- Volunteers: J. Jackson, J. Hurley, B. Koch, A. Bernard, K. Lynch(possibly)
- Committee is T. Slockbower and B. Nickoley
Artifact Night
- Committee is T. Slockbower, B. Koch and K. Lynch
- Fall timeframe
Museum Refresh
- Committee is D. Tanzola and K. Lynch
T. Slockbower made MOTION to adjourn meeting at 11:19am, M. Auriemma seconded, all in favor.
B. Edwards
J. Schuring
K. Lynch
M. Okerbloom
J. Hurley
M. Auriemma
D. Conville
T. Slockbower
D. Tanzola
Next Meeting: July 22, 10 a.m. at Community Center.
RBHC Meeting Schedule and Museum Open House Dates
Meetings are held starting at 10:00 a.m. on the 4th Saturday of the month unless noted
Meeting Location: Rockaway Borough Community Center Union St.
* Meeting held 3rd Saturday of the month # Meeting start time 1:30 pm
Jan: Meeting Saturday 28
Feb: Meeting: Saturday Feb 25#
Mar: Meeting: Saturday Mar 25
Apr: Meeting: Saturday Apr 22
May: Meeting: Saturday May 27
June: Meeting: Saturday Jun 24
July: Meeting: Saturday July 22
Aug: Meeting: Saturday Aug 26
Sept: Meeting: September 23
Oct: Meeting: Saturday Oct 28
Nov: Meeting: Saturday Nov 25
Dec: Meeting: Saturday Dec 16*
Museum Open: Sunday Jan 29
Museum Open: Sunday Feb 26
Museum Open: Sunday Mar 26
Museum Open: Sunday Apr 23
Museum Open: Sunday May 28
Museum Open: Sunday June 25
Museum Closed: July
Museum Closed: August
Museum Open: Sunday Sept 24
Museum Open: Sunday Oct 29
Museum Open: Sunday Nov 26
Museum Open: Sunday Dec 17
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