Rockaway Borough Historical Committee Regular Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes February 24, 2024
Location: Community Center, Union St.
1:02 p.m. - J. Hurley called meeting to order with flag salute and a moment of silence for departed past members
Treasurer (B. Koch):
- Advised bank balance as of January 31, 2024 is $ 6,129.34
- No checks or deposits in January
- TD Bank - No news on new account being opened. B. Koch waiting on response to paperwork submitted
- If no word from TD Bank, B. Koch will go to Picatinny Credit Union (where RB Senior have their account)
- Pellagio had previously cashed the check for the two brick requests, and completed the engraving in the last few weeks.
Corresponding Secretary (B. Koch):
- B. Koch handed off the correspondence folder to M. Okerblom. Folder contained stamps, envelopes, letterhead and copies of templates.
- B. Koch advised that mailbox in front of museum has been removed and mail is no longer forwarded to Borough Hall. It will be returned to sender.
Museum Curator/Museum Facilities and Maintenance
- March 24th volunteers: M. Auriemma and B. Nickoley. B. Koch and J. Hurley to open and close
- T. Slockbower advised that Open and Close Checklist is with donation box. Donation Intake form is on sale cabinet.
- J. Hurley asked if Refresh Committee could clean out and organize the storage closet. Discussion ensued regarding boxes or containers to store items in.
MOTION by B. Nickoley to approve storage boxes/shelve accessories, not to exceed $150.00 for storage closet. Funds to be reimbursed after new bank account is opened. D. Tanzola seconded, all in favor
Fundraising Committee (A. Bernard)
- M. Okerblom contacted John Sperry who offered to give us a quote for the engraving. Bricks are standard 4x6, maximum 3 lines of text. We previously offered this for $60/brick with our cost being $25/brick.
- A. Bernard to ask Red Hut Diner if they would participate in a Dine to Donate for the RBHC
Tails & Tales Program (B. Nickoley / M. Okerblom)
- M. Okerblom discussed a possible interview with a descendant of Alan Jenkins, who was the caretaker of the home at one time.
- B. Koch and M. Okerblom offered to interview Jack Phillips. B. Koch to reach out to set it up.
Car Show (D. Conville/T. Slockbower)
- D. Conville shared draft of flyer for event and asked for input
- Riverside Shoppe would like to provide coffee and snacks.
- Discussion ensued regarding having food (breakfast sandwiches) available. Event would need to be catered (by Riverside Shoppe?), food truck ordinance prohibits since food trucks
- D. Conville showed draft of t-shirt, probably in white. He will look into a light gray since most of the committee preferred some kind of color.
- A. Bernard suggesting using (6) Styrofoam coolers as a door prize. Coolers hold a 6 pack.
- Discussion ensued regarding hiring a DJ. D. Conville will look into the cost
- D. Conville discussed the possibility of asking auto parts stores to donate products
- T. Slockbower discussed having a Swap Meet at the event, Oil and Gas related only. There would be 10-15 tables/spaces with a donation price of $20 each.
- B. Koch to make draft of Swap Meet application
- B. Koch offered that Brooke could make a sign on a tarp to hang on the fence at Fireman’s Field
New Business
- Discussion ensued regarding the purchase of a new laptop for the museum. T. Slockbower offered that his son, who is an employee at Best Buy, could purchase with his discount.
B. Nickoley to come up with specs needed. - Discussion ensued regarding a float for the Memorial Day Parade. J. Hurley suggested the possibility of the Rockaway Carriage being towed with an RBHC “actor” on it.
- J. Hurley brought up Morris County celebrating the 250th anniversary of our nation. Morris County Commissioner Christine Myers has requested thoughts/ideas on rotating town involvement. They want to bring together community, business and history.
2:32 p.m. J. Jackson made motion to adjourn, M. Auriemma seconded, all in favor
Next Meeting
March 23,2024, 1 p.m. at Community Center
In Attendance
J. Hurley
B. Koch
D. Conville
D. Tanzola
J. Schuring
B. Nickoley
T. Slockbower
A. Bernard
B. Edwards
M. Okerblom
K. Lynch
M. Auriemma
D. Schrader